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Produtos Digitais para aulas de Inglês

Conheça a estrutura dos materiais

As aulas são compostas de Introdução ao tópico da lição, Quebra-gelo, Vocabulário, Frases (afirmativas, negativas e interrogativas) com áudios para prática, Diálogos, Vídeo, Atividades, Sugestão de Homework, Flashcards e Perguntas para prática de "Speaking".

Veja a lista de conteúdos

Nível Básico

  • Personal Information - Talking about yourself in English
  • Numbers - (From 1 to 100)
  • Nationalities - Countries, Nationalities and Languages
  • Days, Months & Seasons - Days of the week, months of the year and the seasons.
  • Telling the Time - Do you know how to say the time in English?
  • Temperature (Weather) - Saying how hot or how cold it is
  • Family Members- A chart showing the Members of the Family
  • Parts of the Body - A chart showing the different parts of the body in English
  • Feelings and Emotions - How do you feel today?
  • Colors - Names of colors and typical things of each color
  • Opposites - Adjectives - Different adjectives with their opposites
  • Verbs - Different verbs with their antonyms
  • Clothes and Accessories - A description of clothes, accessories and things you wear
  • Fruit - A list of fruit and the difference between Fruit and Fruits.
  • Vegetables - A list of vegetables and ones that are in fact fruit and not vegetables
  • Food Types - Fruit, vegetables, meat, seafood, grains, etc.
  • Describing Food - Adjectives used to describe food
  • Farm Animals - Names of farm animals in English
  • Sports - A list of different sports
  • Free Time Activities - What do you do in your free time?
  • Daily Routines - The simple things you do every day
  • Places in a City - Different places you go to in a city or town
  • Kitchen - Things you will find in a kitchen.
  • Dining Room - Things you will find in a dining room
  • Living Room - Things you will find in a living room
  • Bathroom - Things you will find in a bathroom
  • Bedroom - Things you will find in a bedroom
  • Professions - Occupations and Jobs
  • Telephone Numbers - How to say telephone numbers in English.
  • The Alphabet
  • Greetings
  • House (Objects and Parts of the House)
  • Animals
  • Around Town (Prepositions of Place)
  • Holidays
  • Commands (Imperatives)
  • School Subjects
  • Stationery & Office Supplies
  • Personal Pronouns
  • Indefinite Articles (A, An)
  • Demonstrative Pronouns (Singular)
  • Articles (Definite and Indefinite)
  • There To Be
  • Simple Present (Verb To Be)
  • Demonstrative Pronouns (Plural)
  • Prepositions (Time)
  • Question Words I
  • Cardinal Numbers
  • Simple Present (I, You, We, They)
  • Simple Present (He, She, It)
  • How long (It takes)
  • Adverbs of Frequency
  • Telling the Time
  • Question Words II
  • Present Continuous
  • Plurals
  • Ordinal Numbers
  • Possessive Case
  • Possessive Adjectives
  • Possessive Pronouns
  • Simple Present x Present Continuous
  • Subject and Object Pronouns
  • Reflexive Pronouns
  • Countable and Uncountable Nouns
  • How many x How much
  • Quantifiers (Few, A few, Little, A little, Much, Many, A lot…)
  • Adjectives
  • Comparative
  • Superlative
  • Simple Future (Will)
  • Simple Future (Going To)
  • Simple Past (Verb To Be)
  • Regular and Irregular Verbs
  • Simple Past (Other Verbs)
  • There To Be (Past)
  • Countries and Nationalities
  • Professions

Nível Intermediário

  • Modal Verbs (Can, Could, May, Might, Must, Should, Would)
  • Adverbs of Agreement (Too, So, Neither, Either)
  • Adverbs of Manner
  • Some/Any/No + Compounds
  • Present Perfect
  • Present Perfect + Adverbs
  • Present Perfect (Since/For)
  • Simple Past x Present Perfect
  • Question Tags
  • Would
  • Used to
  • To Be Used To
  • To Get Used To
  • Future Continuous
  • Future Perfect
  • Past Continuous
  • Past Perfect
  • Indirect Speech
  • Indirect Speech (Interrogative)
  • To Be Able To
  • To Be Supposed To
  • Coordinating Conjunctions
  • Correlative Conjunctions
  • Present Perfect Continuous
  • Present Perfect x Present Perfect Continuous
  • Past Perfect Continuous
  • Past Perfect x Past Perfect Continuous
  • Wish
  • Conditionals (Zero, First, Second, Third)
  • Relative Clauses
  • Passive Voice
  • Reported Speech
  • Subject Questions
  • Indirect Questions
  • Adjectives + Prepositions
  • Verb + Gerund
  • Verb + Preposition + Gerund
  • Be + Adjective + Preposition + Gerund

Nível Avançado

  • Verb + Objects
  • Mind + Complements
  • So / Such
  • Would rather / Would prefer
  • Adjectives + To Infinitive
  • Modals: Certainty, Possibility, Impossibility, and Advisability
  • Could Have, Should Have, Would Have
  • Gerunds & Infinitives
  • Let and Make
  • Make and Do
  • Say and Tell
  • The/The Comparatives
  • Causative Verbs
  • Participle Adjectives
  • As & Like
  • Purpose: So that / To / In Order To / In Case
  • Linking Words of Contrast (Although, Even Though, Though, In Spite Of, Despite, While, Whereas, However)
  • Linking Words of Reason (Because, Since, As, Due To, Owing To, …)
  • Phrasal Verbs
  • Idioms
  • Collocations
  • Collocation with Prepositions

Como adquirir

Uma das formas de ter acesso ao material é através da compra do tópico desejado. Cada aula preparada custa R$19,99 (Inclui PDF e Apresentação Power Point do conteúdo com o tópico escolhido para impressão, uso em aula presencial, online ou pessoal (para estudantes autônomos) + link para vídeo + áudios de frases e diálogos). Você recebe tudo em uma pasta compactada por e-mail. Clique no link abaixo para falar comigo e adquirir o seu pacote.

Outra forma de ter acesso à TODA A METODOLOGIA é através da assinatura. Como Teacher Assinante, você garante acesso à todo o material acima para as suas aulas.

Imagine o tempo que você poderia economizar nas preparações das suas aulas de Inglês! Por apenas R$250,00 (mensais), você terá acesso a recursos exclusivos que tornarão o processo de planejamento mais eficiente, permitindo que você se concentre no que realmente importa: ensinar e inspirar seus alunos. Não perca a oportunidade de simplificar seu trabalho e elevar a qualidade das suas aulas.

A assinatura da metodologia inclui: Senha para acesso ao portal de conteúdos com o tópico escolhido + link para vídeo + áudios de frases e diálogos. Para se tornar um teacher assinante, fale comigo através do link abaixo:

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